Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

oh by the way
if anyone wants to come to my basement i have some very fancy wine i can offer as a gift

what basement?

my wine cellar basement

where is it?

the dark and ominous one with a broken lightswitch and a single flickering light in the unbroken darkness revealing an empty chair every few seconds

Light’s basement in which Chili lives in.


wait no Chili doesn’t live in Light’s basement.

Chili lives in Light’s attic.

so a roof

it’s a paradox, light and i both live in each other’s basements

wanna come then owo

I’ll come with a friend


Such contradiction does not exist!

Either you live in Light’s basement or Light live in your basement!

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does it have vodka?

I tried vodka last night, it isn’t nice but does it have vodka?

and yes I know it’s a wine cellar basement but I need to know

what if they just switch every night?

yes of course it does have you met me
we have a complex arrangement though insanity

Both entities can not exist in two place at the same time :pensive::facepunch:

then I will pass.

…pass out from all this drinking we’ll be doing :sunglasses:

