Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

ftr i’m like 80% sure kat killed PKR

but if that’s the case it’s incredibly poggers and cool because I will no longer have to play with katze :smile:

I am however more sure on AT so

i’ll lock

I think italy could have killed Crich
I think we are sort of fucked if we are wrong

I dont
have much else to suggest we are

crichard will very deeply regret it if they lied to me
and they know it


explain to me how the fuck i can commit murder and not be seen from literally ANYBODY for over a day

you used your dancing abilities to perform a backwards long jump and exited the game


Like i agree katze is higly likely.

But AT anwsered my questions poorly and tryied to avoid major parts of it.
So like it made this alot harder



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oh god
the horny is here

Nah, he travelled 4 parallel universe ahead of us.

it genuinely baffles me how people suspect me at all

im the one who made kat go to sleep hahahahah yayaya AHAHUAUAUAYAYAYAYAZ

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this isn’t really just about the redcheck
at has been acting super sus a lot
-literally just repeating sfol63, 2020

someone of me / you / italy / trochi

had to have done it

“HoW CoUlD ThEy SneAk PasT!!!”

someone had to
we know this

it’s entirely within the realm of possibility that you used stealth abilities to sneak by, kill PKR, and sneak back then hide

I think it’s very possible and I find it likelier than italy or trochi for killer #1

I also think your insistence on hammering is wolfy and your argument is dogshit poopoo bad

but I don’t think you killed Crich, really, I think italy or ATNN did and it was probably just ATNN
I will end up voting ATNN

but I think you probably would end up getting caught if not for 2 blackeneds

hot take

we’re fucking up ToD stuff and it’s just one killer

i have no stealth abilities

im fairly sure kat didnt do it because kat is nice and kat wouldnt do it and its wrong yeah

i’m a sorcerer not a wizard
since i’m a far superior class i didn’t bother with dumb spells like invisibility

my vote is already locked and im high intel man

if i were able to sneak in and out so easily why wouldn’t i sneak somewhere and then naturally come up to the castle post-body discovery

hiding that entire time on purpose is… ridiculously stupid?

im bored of this, there’s nothing to discuss, i want to get back to the actual game and not being unconscious/stuck in a voting phase for a majority of it

sorry that i actually want to play the game fuck me i guess

are you actually the Ultimate Sorcerer
i will flip my shit

huzzah motherfucker