Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

I mean kat played the trial like 10x more townie


fuck me I’m bad


well when I was getting there that someone had to kill PKR and it wasn’t AT and it was super unlikely italy or trochi everyone had locked AT anyways

I’m more pissed about how we lost 5 fucking people in one chapter, what the fuck

honestly tl told me it as well, and i should have listened but at kept contradicting shit he said

Yeah app we did that same thing i was good either way as i said to you thought AT could also be a traitor if Katze but thats cause i was more busy these last two days

How’s this game meant to last longer than 3 chapters?

unfindable sealed room is certainly a thing that exists and we could definitely prepare against


Gotta kill people on by one from now on.

dw, you are gonna just have suicides

it was literally AT/kat PoE since the start

we solved pre-trial

I just assumed CRich would not answer if he wasn’t sure and was so convinced of that fact that I couldn’t convince myself it was anyone other than AT


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i hereby give u all permission to unlife me


no they didn’t

they were the only one out of me / italy / trochi playing that to win and to leave

they got defenseive at any accusation
they were always stilted as fuck

and their defense sucked ass
I just should have not been as complacent in telling people to use time


Not to mention ATNoName unspecified so many things.

@ATNoName You said yourself CRich was already in the room, the hell happened.

I just told you we went together


When I was in bed.

It’s fine, I didn’t even vote you anyway…

aliven’t me or coward

who is even alive now

11 people?
fuck me man

Like guys we fucked up, no ones to blame but ourselves. even if there are obvious finger lets just do better next time

i’m just saying you all have like an hour to convince me to ruin the mastermind’s day instead of crichard’s day

CRichard is dead his day seems already pretty ruined to me