Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

it is a dead body

I don’t believe you’ll be needing that Katana, right? So I’ll be taking that.

no beat up MM not crich

glgl solving the puzzles

@DatBird @Icibalus we need a time for hide and seek

I propose 2020-09-27T19:00:00Z.

I think the skyscraper provides the most fun. I promise to be there if alice is online.

does anyone wanna gimme a weapon i want one

i don’t think i can strangle crich anyways
that’d probably count as necrophilia

no fuck off, u wasted my whole first phase

Wait i know what this means OwO

marshal where did you find the fujin idol


it’s not like I can murder with it when everyone knows I have a katana

it would look slightly suspicious if there was a bloody katana at the crime scene and katana shaped wounds on the victim as I have conveniently lost my katana

it was puzzle where he planted flowers from arboretum at graves

that would be a gamer way to kill though

in the cemetery after solving a puzzle, it’s explained somewhere in my iso

expect to have to solve puzzles

well then
i think it’s time for us to start looking for puzzles that give us idols

just leave absolute truckloads of evidence pointing towards yourself

theoretically we could also obtain the raijin idol early if we looked hard enough

if i am given the katana i will kill very katanally and obviously

wait wh- you’re just letting me have it?

no hide and seek? because of a miscommunication?

i see how it is :unamused:

Whatever. @Amelia We’re gonna try and cut down your overgrowth with this Katana soon, first me and App have investigating to do though.