Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

But wait, then PKR and Chili have the same ability, right?

I hardconfirm this ability

and I do think it’s incredibly likely that PKR indeed sent the first and italy the 2nd

crich will periodically find info on the MM
can determine the room an item originated from, or if someone started with it
has a funky rolecop that tells them their stats, their talent name, and if they’ve used their ult
can tell if info on a file is false
and has an extra funky ult where they pick 4 people and one random person among them will be copped as not the mastermind and not a traitor

/vote CRichard

okay did you find all the things you needed Italy?

I vote Agent cuz yes

Cause PKR has been more helpful and think his skills as a player will be more helpful

Let Italy finish with this claims immediately before you place your votes you dumb children.

and hes the agent 100%
do we know pkrs wincon


why in the living hell are we considering bringing back a wildcard over the agent ???


i know pkrs wincon
i cannot provide this information without consent
honor system

Everyone. Be quiet.

Because meme.

Don’t share your own opinions. Let people vote what they want to vote. Let Italy finish with this claims.

pkr’s wincon is nothing bad though
it’s actually rather pro-innocent

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nah if he wants to come back over CONFIRMED TOWN, we need to know it

what did it say when you drank the drink Dat?

/vote crich


/vote Crichard

Can you all stop voting and let Italy finish typing everything!

sweet and rice like, then stat boosts