Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

no stat changes it was just alcohol lmao

/vote pkr

Furry in.

Am sorry i have no way to know as i said

if i die
i always hated you all

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idgaf about PKR only CRich

why are we not voting CRich hnngggg

Cause PKRS abilitys are stronger at finding the M|M

this is game breaking tbh we’d have enough time to find exact MM

this won’t be allowed

i’m waiting to hear PKR wincon

I may have changed my mind

cause they want a cop wildcard over a cop agent for some reason

Cause i feel PKR is a more valuby person to have no offense to CRichard

/vote PKR

wait are people actually voting for PKR?

I thought people were just making a bad joke

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Also the fact this has to have a negative or downside as otherswise i see no point to both traitors leaving alst chapter

while i dont disagree, idk his wincon, and even then it can be a lie as its not modconfirmed like Crich

Italy leaves the cafe.

it was alcohol thank you TL it was tastey

TL can I try those vials you got :eyes:

u can tell what they are by smell TL

Thank PKR by bringing him back.