Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

and are bad at fm

i will push you off the skyscraper

idk ask Wazza

Wazza where we dropping

id like to see u try smelly

Jump off the skyscraper, Dat.

Atua said it so i must say
No u

oh god oh fuck

i could actually just steal PKR’s ability and then
tell you to commit suicide
and i’m technically not the blackened?

holy shit this ability is busted

nah u would still be the blackened in that case as i wouldnt be doing it through my own will

thats why it was on a WC i suppose

I believe Alice should’ve specified that me and App left.

But chances are she went bed.

that is so so busted i want it

well i should have followed

but i wouldn’t be killing you
i’d be pressuring you into making you kill yourself

nah i cant be pressured, i get shit all the time, thats my ultimate talent. No one likes me

that ability is actually probably how pkr would fulfill their wincon idk

the deadchat is full of statcops
i see everything

Italy why does your role seem like super busted