Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

I can’t remember, I can ask what I smelled

rabies is generally fluid transferred but i’d find it extremely likely

i don’t think it’s rabies though
an accelreated case of rabies that trochi would’ve had to have would exhibit far more extreme symptoms than what we’ve seen

most of alibi after leaving cafe is unimportant

we need to recal the specific events that happened there because if insanity was with trochi the whole time after italy’s cafe announcement then it had to be during or before that trochi got poisoned

and I think there is a very limited time it could have happened

we need to consider the possibility that trochi drank liquid kunai

Alibi is as follows. No timestamp since I’m lazy

  • Go to the Ritual Grounds to see if Italy was there and offered him protection/stat boosts
  • Go to the Pier
  • Inspect the High Striker game
  • Boost up my own strength
  • Play the High Striker game and win the Ruby Pendant
  • Go to the Arcade
  • Turn on the Large Screen, then lose to Italy in gaming
  • Go to the Post Office
  • Read the email on the computer
  • Go to the skyscraper
  • Take elevator with ici up to floor 56
  • Press buttons lol
  • Get stuck because blackout, check on the elevator again
  • Go back to floor 56 and just afk since I fell asleep irl

did you actually try to beat my highscore


I failed smh

in which game

Metal Slug

i high scored metal slug first try
big nerd

i’ll probably be back to do more detectivework soon
I just need to collate the information better

(i’m ignoring all future fireworks ones because WHAT THE FUUUCK)

(this is all that happened visibly until trochi went to PA, i’ll quote the PA system)

I think we ask trochi if she consumed anything (willingly or unwillingly) outside of the cafe

with a no, we will know it was done in cafe and can work from there

i think that sounds like a good question

if it was done outside of cafe


probably? insanity

we can also clear anybody who was not at cafe at the time

we can entirely rule out trochi wildcard for the fact that im wildcardin and for the fact that

trochi MM would be… possible? but i guess we trust her as much as we can trust her and if she lied. we’ll know, and we will be able to trust everyone alive as normal partic. for remaining class trials

so we should

ask trochi if she consumed anything that could have killed her after she left cafe the 2nd time

eh there was theoretically as much time during the first that we should just ask if she consumed anything outside of cafe