Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

inb4 only like 5 people actually voted

Inb4 TL gets executed because people didn’t vote

gorta and ici prob didnt vote

if i get voted out i will not be the happiest camper

well ur prob a sad camper

and you will be too when you lose your only way of getting crich back
funny how everything carries a penalty


Time for the fun part

if you get voted it it means that dea players will potentially get to go to spec chat and be informed so

it’s good overall

i’ll get to be an informed spec instead of sitting in dead chat with fellow victors Katze and Centuries. :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

it’s Amelia nice win Amelia

Be quiet, time’s up.


Here is the total vote weight for each blackened.


337 total vote weight!


108 total vote weight!


493 total vote weight!


97 total vote weight!

Thus, Italy has been selected as the Blackened!

So you all selected Italy as the Blackened, and you all are…



Next results will be processed later. Do not speak.


Since you all got it wrong, here’s the truth of the case.

The murder plan was an accident that resulted from the boundless and reckless ambitions of a man of science. Trochilidae’s death was not intentionally caused and was considered just an acceptable casualty of our culprit.

The plot began before the first trial began where our culprit was searching for a way for the other students to be his unsuspecting test subjects, and while he was rummaging around the kitchen he found the perfect opportunity for this, a full bottle of sake was in alone in the fridge and he decided to use the drink’s sweet and rice-y flavor to mask his potions.

So then our culprit took out six glasses from the kitchen’s cabinet and filled them up halfway with sake, and with one out of each of his special serums with an unknown effect.

However our culprit did not anticipate that he would be quickly put under suspicion. And thus nobody would be so willing to accept his drinks, putting him at a dead end in his plans to acquire a lab rat for his experimentations.

But to their luck, in the cafeteria after the group was in the middle of exploring the second island, DatBird began growing more and more trusting of them and accepted to try a drink from them. Upon drinking the alpha serum DatBird’s stats grew, which made everyone else want our culprit’s drinks.

Unforunately for our victim, the serum that she took from our culprit was a highly poisonous one that would kill her in roughly a day’s worth of time. Marshal and Apprentice were however fortunate as the serums in their drink did not have this vile poison and thus were able to survive it.

But this was not the only misfortune inflicting on our victim. Trochilidae also ingested a second drink that was laced with a powerful hallucinogen, that would also slowly eat away her mind and cause her to act paranoid while the real threat was already inside her bloodstream sapping her lifeforce away.

Shortly afterwards both the victim and Insanity set off to explore the Skyscraper and found PKR’s lab. Due to the effects of the hallucinogen Trochi began growing paranoid of Insanity and considering him a threat to her, which made her knocking him out with the rake she took from the supermarket.

But this was not all. After the victim knocked Insanity out, Amelia accidentally caused a blackout in the skyscraper due to overcharging it after multiple waves of fireworks were launched by the above two, completely trapping them alongside Insanity, Icibalus, and our victim in the 56th to the 59th floor of the skyscraper.

In the darkness when Insanity woke up he and Trochi tried to find a way through the darkness and stumpled upon the 57th floor. Trochi’s paranoid slowly but surely grew stronger as the time passed, while the poison caused her to become pale and sweat profusely. She then decided to leave Insanity and return to the 59th floor, where she fell unconscious due to the poison’s slow-lasting effect.

Insanity then seeked her out, but ended up falling unconscious again due to tripping through the 59th’s trapdoor as the room was too dark, while our victim succumbed to the poison. However, Italy knew that something was wrong due to his ESP and then quickly came searching for the body, mounting a search party with Apprentice, our culprit, and Wazza, and then heading to the skyscraper to find the victim’s lifeless and limp body.

…isn’t that right, Sho Takagiri, the Ultimate Biochemist?! (TrustworthyLiberal)

You may speak while the next results are processed.

im dissapointed in myself

Me: Hey TL did you do it

TL: yes

Me: It’s not TL

did TL know they were the blackened

no clue

they werent voting, why would a balckened not vote

be disappointed in marshal
he essentially just executed crich