Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

i did a double murder on my own :joy_cat:

Yeah my win con was to us atleast 7/12 random drugs 2 of which killed the target.
Or to kill with one of them.

SO sadly i always was killing

I was the second culprit if you think about it

I was the one who told kat there were people outside

what absolutely busted ability do you think italy will have in dr3
vote now on your phones

Will amelia kill PKR first thing again


probably not because I feel bad


what was your ult as far as you knew?

you have no idea how much of an emotional rollercoaster deadchat was for me

What happened in dead chat

Oh i knew the entire time

Was Biochemist

what was your ultimate ability mb

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it was pretty obvious mr. vial man was the chemist

pkr and crich both wanted the revive
mechanically crich always gets revived
but i feel so bad to just leave pkr, who just wanted to enjoy the game to mourn their own death


Tbf PKR could have ordered me to out my stats

Which would have been… problematic

Sho Takagiri, the Ultimate Biochemist

STR 44 - CON 36 - AGI 48 - INT 64 - LUK 34
Gender: M

  • Questionable Bioethicist (I ) - You are a Wildcard . You begin the game with ten different gene-altering serums. To win the game you must have tested at least seven on them on other players, or kill a player using one of them, and then you will gain a participant’s wincon.
  • Chemist’s Case - You begin with an additional private slot that can hold up to ten different chemical bottles or vials and only chemical bottles or vials. At the start of the game this case will have your ten serums.
  • Biochemistry Studies - You may identify unknown bottles of chemicals, in addition you are immune to being poisoned or dying to one of your serums.
  • Chemical Analysis - You will learn if any chemicals were used on the victim during a murder case.
  • Sublimation (U ) - Transforms one of your serums into a gaseous state, with a chance to affect each player in the room, including you.

you can lie to him though

this is what your ult did to me you turd

Ultimate Despair (I ) - You may only win by killing another player and escaping.

Nope that was a normal ability

α Serum Raises the consumer’s STR and AGI by 12.
β Serum Makes the consumer unable to die for the chapter.
γ Serum Poisons the consumer, killing them in 12 hours.
δ Serum Causes the consumer to reveal their talent.
ε Serum Gives a contagious plague to the consumer.
ζ Serum Causes the consumer to hallucinate.
θ Serum Drains all of the consumer’s AP.
κ Serum Raises the consumer’s CON and INT by 12.
λ Serum Lowers all of the consumer’s stats by 8.
ς Serum Lowers the consumer’s LUK by 20.
φ Serum Puts the consumer to sleep.
ω Serum Changes the consumer’s wincon to the blackened wincon.