Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

shhh we still real friends, but u are stinky


oh god
magic exists
i should’ve guessed but

please dont stab me

well then
i guess we just have to wait for the game to begin in full

magic is fake

then how does himiko make her hat fly

I’m the Ultimate Scientist and my passive says supernatural abilities don’t exist glgl

maaaagic and magic are two different things

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thank you

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anybody want to dm me
will claim to the person who says the coolest thing

Is this some kind of redemption or depression arc going on for Marshal?

no it’s character development

so far i have gotten quite a few dms, but amongst them there are exactly two jokes

My character development is 2D :^)

I’m always the quiet kid.

I laugh awkwardly at the quiet kid jokes.
Sometimes they’re funny and sometimes they’re annoying.

A girl fell in love with me. I didnt understand why but now I do.
I was the one girl who talked to her.

My friends jokingly said are you going out were her.
I’d never thought that they were right and that she likes me.

I of course rejected her and were still friends.
That was my first experience in love.
-6th grade.

Now in 7th grade I helped this girl who I knew in kindergarten by help from friends.
I helped her through her depression. I was slowly becoming attracted to her.
I felt special because she let her feeling out to me…

Man was I wrong…
She told me after she recovered. That she has a bf.

That sentence broke my heart.
I was happy for her but sad at the same time.
I kinda stopped talking to her slowly over time.

She then blocked me.
No warning nothing just block.
I didnt know what I did so I blamed myself.

I’m still not over it.
She may have been using me or not.
I wouldnt know because I’m not her.

Alright, you better get that 3rd arc of climbing up from the depths of depression going on.

The saddest what happened in my life was that I gave my heart to someone an they just took me like a shower

he’s posting edgy comments from music videos

At least you make them wet