Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp


These times are always horrible for me, 12-1am.

What this means is that you kill someone at a good time for you

and then we all afk until its a bad time then find the body

the time has come
if we don’t have white tiger then just pray you aren’t the lucky winner of a 1/15

Marshal can you do the announcement without Alice here?

your announcement will be in the cafeteria/starting place correct?
also if we’re grouping up we should say with who beforehand

Amelia and Marshal simultaneously punch Katze in the face


G A M E !

the correct usage of a meme action

fuck u both

time to see which bridge is opening

Oh but that would be quite boring after all way better to leave a log of every person you have ever interacted with hidden to only be revealed upon your death.

i suppose this is also acceptable hmm

Look who is finnaly accepting it congrats

Instead of discussing what if someone just murdered in broad daylight

watch me

i have an announcement

wazza is cringe


It was 100% worth it.

Played for an extra 30 minutes for that joke.

if anyone kills wazza im defending them btw

100% serious

if someone whispers me with intent to kill wazza i will not out it