Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

and then Traitor/addtional WC were picked

tbh I’m just insulted I didn’t get picked

not 100% sure on agent existence but my info says 1 MM and 1 WC existed

and at least 1 traitor and at least 1 wildcard were assigned

and I am ineligible to be picked

thats about it

if there are no more questions imma go stab someone bye


wait i am genuinely offended why didn’t i get picked

honestly get fucked

like it wasn’t me but the fact someone elses stats got lowered means fuck you all i wasn’t LYING

I wanna see if PKR’s action resolves

then I’m bouncing

wow i guess we have a stat-stealing wildcard?

actually can i talk to you before you leave apprentice

Fuck I just checked this right as I’m bout to turn off my phone. Well Marshal if I find any if ye bones I’ll let ya know

and yes

I do need bones if y’all find any

I’m going to try to explore the arboretum for a shovel to steal some from cemetary bye bye

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ATNoName heads to the Kitchen

Oh marshal leaving out details.
While I better go do… Something.

No one has to worry about it

Wait before u go when does the game begin?

aight see y’all later i’m headed out

Tell us the details then

That would be boring

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