Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

At that time, I was thinking that PKR set off the smokes and when CRich fell unconsicous, I tried to search and got no feedback. So in a panic, I went back to the castle

and nobody ever left

yep we didn’t know if PKR was dead or not

Why do you believe CRich fell unconscious?

because Alice said so

so the killer must have turned to dust and floated away

Sorry, I meant how*, I’m tired.

kat kat kat

remember when i said i would follow you uwu

The smokes made CRich fell unconscious.

This is based on what TL’s said when he said he was struggling to breathe because of the smoke

smoke is something you can’t breathe
that’s literally just basic logic

a smokebomb doesn’t have what it takes to knock someone out though
just leave them coughing for a while

Someone did say 2 smokebombs were used

ahem Wazza

if they were both used at once how did the smoke last so long

@Alice are there any vent in R10

I checked for any hidden paels and doors, TL did too, and I found nothing (and I asume they did too)

That was indeed what I said.

I also did, found nothing.

oh fuck kat vented

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Okay anyway, now that everyone is here.
