Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

why the fuck does everybody have insane investigative abilities and then i can just do a dance

who wants me to twerk

wait until you see my ult

i wnat to see

sister :flushed:

you’ve already seen :flushed:

I assume Cent’s ult is just a cop check during trial on blackened

ok looking at the alibis I’m currently suspicious of Troch and Cent

okay perhhaps

no its not a cop check fyi

better or worse?

which bridge do you guys wanna open next

Trochi claimed she was at her bungalow the entire time and Cent claimed he wandered around the entire time

azure dragon bridge


im pretty sure i can get innocented just by like

me looking at the time i did stuff bc im pretty sure that like

the murder happened when i was with other people

black tortoise or riot

Azure Dragon for like 10000 reasons

that’s right
you can finally have cool shit


the other people at black tortoise are all dead

azure dragon sounds cooler

but i cant say no to my brother