Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

@TrustworthyLiberal I’m talking about you.

how fucking thick was the smoke

i don’t think people are likely to be knocked out by a smoke bomb

also here’s the real link to the meowdy thingy

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I meant the person put something in the smoke bombs, Kat.

I’m going off of ATNoName’s theory.

i see

but wasn’t ATN in the smoke

could be a con thing potentially

orator + historian aren’t high con classes

it’s worth considering everything

shrug, idk I’m too tired to work things out, it’s 5am, night.


why do you think TL has to do with me getting poison?

cursed image inside you have been warned

why does this exist


brother no

Where would you get poison? Look on the map and pinpoint an area.

on a different bridge

thanks sherlock but I meant the room.

i mean prob the chemistry lab but

how would he have it unless he started with it

is that what you’re getting at

hrnnnnnng Alice just confirmed they’d have to murder twice so 80% ap

Exactly what I’m getting at.

What is next to the Chemistry Lab, then?

the cyber cafe


i wanna go there we can play minecraft

I meant the R room.

Someone has an Ultimate Lab there.

yeah i know but cyber cafe