Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

i stole app’s pan and then i knocked you out, laughed evilly, and then dragged you back to your bungalow with poison just to confuse you

i feel like id know if this was true but i also don’t know it’s not true

how you know I have a pan :eyes:

you’ve only mentioned the fact you were in possession of a pan like seven times how could i ever have deduced it

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im gonna steal ur pan and cook dead italy on it later

i am the Ultimate Mass Murderer
you think you can defeat me?

i am the ultimate waluigi

but that just means you can never beat me
because i have the one thing you can never obtain

a smash invite?

come on don’t correctly predict the joke i had it clipboarded and everything

yeah but i bet my ultimate ability is better than yours

doesn’t DR3 have an ultimate tennis player
waluigi in DR confirmed???

ultimate wah

that was my flavor in dangan FM

you were the ultimate waluigi?

no wonder it got canned you were too powerful

and you nearly fucking died

if someone murders imma cancel them on twitter dot com

can someone like shortly and consicely explain what all of this smoke + scream + consciousness stuff was

There are still things that don’t add up

How did AT doublekill and move around but still have more than 10 AP

how did the Kunais make those angles but conflict with insanity’s info

and like

who is actually clear from alibis at time of death

and who could have technically done the kill

we ignore italy’s info for now and get back to it later

ugh im so tired this is not a gamer or gaming moment