Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

That doesn’t matter, though, because they both came from the same person, who was definitely moving. Since they haven’t spoken up, we have to assume they are the killer.

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This is giving me DR2 - C1 vibes.

If you know, you know.

Let’s assume that Atnoname was not the killer and the killer are instead Kat.

How would he be able to stealthily move out of the labs unless that is what his ultimate ability do?


The killer is not ATNoName. This trial must continue. DO NOT FLASHVOTE HIM UNLESS YOU LIKE LOSING THE TRIAL.

The proof of him being Spotless is below:

proof, summarised

Insanity, who as is well-established by now, is cleared of all suspicion of the crime, places the time of death at 11:08.

At 11:12 and 11:15, TrustworthyLiberal, ATNoName, and Insanity were together, and heard two screams. We have previously assumed them to come from PKR, but the new evidence regarding the time of death proves otherwise.

CRich’s actions are incongrous with him screaming twice for no reason, and since nobody has spoken up about these screams, we can conclude one thing safely- the screams came from the killer.

Therefore, only two things are possible:

  • Insanity, TrustworthyLiberal, and ATNoName are all cleared of suspicion entirely.
  • Insanity lied about the time of death (because he’s a traitor).

I think the second option is very, very unlikely, as Insanity has been behaving in a pure manner inconsistent with him being a Traitor- most notably, accusing the people who his evidence clears. Therefore, I would submit that it is impossible for AT to have killed PKR, and consequently, he is NOT THE BLACKENED.

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the fact that the walls are very thin, and it would be theoretically possible to cut a hole in them, but we found absolutely no evidence of that.

There is still the question of Kunaigeddon, as well.

Yeah, you’re right. There’s no point in accusing ATNoName anymore. There’s no way he committed this crime.

If he somehow is, the man deserves to win.

Although, Ici. Where were you during the murder? All I know is that you were with Dat.

I barely did anything before the murder, but essentialy, I went to the cemetery, then went to the garden, where I waited with DatBird for a while (I’ll come back with the actual timestamps.), awaiting the glorious Hide and Seekening. Marshal shows up, says we should come to the Castle, I do this, and by the time I get there the body is officially discovered.

I’ll get the timestamps.

Wait so Dat wasn’t with you at the time?

I’m being dumb here. What was the date of the murder?

For us, 25th at 4am, for the Americans, 24th.


Insanity, I have one final question for you.

When was the door closed to the Ultimate Geisha Lab to prevent smoke?

Right, I checked. I was in the Garden with DatBird while the murder happened. We confirm each other.

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No, no one closed the door, though TL suggested to fan out the smokes.

Deadly Life begins, me and Dat are still there, Marshal shows up and tells us to go to the Castle, and the investigation begins.

Then, correct me if I’m wrong, it’s entirely possible that one of you three threw the knives through the door at one of the targets, which would explain why 1 missed.