Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

What is your agi?

currently 55

i think literally everybody’s AGI is higher than PKR’s

there’s a cyber cafe so there might be an Ultimate Gamer with 1 strength, 1 endurance and 1 con

It does say that the killer has significantly higher agi stat though.

So kat and at were in my PoE.

so what
that’s not hard
PKR had an absolutely abysmal AGI

Ehhh, I suppose you are right.

Actually, new report coming in.

PKR was a hecking wildcard.

How did you find out?

My ability, lul.

now I found a motive for the killer

I didn’t

When the trial started I was magically teleported here

Also if AT didn’t do it then who the fuck could have

The killer had to be at the scene right?

But Alice should’ve informed you.

im p sure ive made it clear i don’t know where i was

given nobody could find me i assume i was in a bungalow cause nowhere else really makes sense

were the smoke bombs obfuscating the entire castle, or just the geisha room?

just the geisha room

and there was someone in the castle at all times, before and after the murder?

1-3 people that are alive including me at all times


so whoever thinks it’s possible i committed this murder
