Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

yeah, Dat found her cute so chose her.

Makes sense

/search cafe there

Katze, out your character stats

ngl the fact you’re randomly dismissing everything im saying despite me hardclaiming it, which i DO NOT do for FPSes

prob means you did it, and planned to use the “haha nobody ever believes katze” shit to get away with it @Wazza


the fact you pinged alice and wrote this in yellow text probably means i should take this seriously

but no :slight_smile:

I know what cat means in German, but you know I assume the person katze is German from the flag on the forum

I am getting VLDR 2 flashbacks

I hope you die first.

me too, tbh

oh I was supposed to say that I need everyone (and I mean all of you) to go to the cemetary with me for an important announcement

No I can’t say what it is here, no I can’t whisper it, yes it is relevant to all with participant wincon and the info itself probably is important for other ones to know.

I want this info out as soon as possible. The location is relevant. I take not showing up as a claim of traitor / MM / wildcard glgl

Kat has been modkilled

but marshal we can’t leave

owo? what’s this?

during daily life of course

marshal is going to kill us all there tbh :joy_cat:

Katze immediately caves in to PKR’s pressure and details their stats. According to them, their current strength is 63, their current constitution is 52, their current agility is 75, their current intelligence is 26, and their current luck is 32.


So you were lying, Kat.

oh fuck
that was wack

the message itself says "can not say lol