Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

What’s not to say the blade cut through the skin deeply? You can cause lacerations by cutting from the front onto your side, all you gotta do is cut it deeply.


Look, a laceration is caused by irregular movement by a blade, wheras a cut is caused by a smooth movement from a blade. There’s a key difference.

If, as you say, the kunai actively pierced through the softer points of the victim’s skin, we wouldn’t be seeing lacerations, we’d be seeing deep cuts. The fact that the victims were slashed, causing an irregular laceration, means that it can’t just be the killer missing their shot.

Actually changed my mind kazoo version isnt as good

We go

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what ici means is that there’s an arc when you slash at something
that’s your arm swinging outwards
it creates a different type of wound, but it would actually require there be some distance between them

Then what do you assume?

Instead of playing devils advocate. What are your thoughts?

if the killer was in range to grab pkr, they would have just simply slit their throat
the slash wound means that the killer actually wasn’t able to get very close to pkr

the lacerations were caused by a projectile

Wait dumb question but do we know trajectory

I’m not quite sure, but I know that your interpretation is completely impossible.

Lacerations also notably don’t have entrance or exit wounds, which missing a shot as you describe would cause.

what are the chances that this is a technicality where the killer threw the kunais into the wall and that counted

Like cause if both were thrown straight on that would mean that PKR would have been hit at the same time so someone ambidextrous beyond belief or that the person threw one move 3 feet and threw the other most likely at a weirder angle due to pain revulsion

probably zero
insanity wouldn’t have gotten “PKR died to a projectile kill” in that case.

The Kunai’s are bloody based on my investigation.

PKR is surrounded by a solid puddle of blood, meaning that he didn’t get a chance to move after the first kunai hit.

As such, we can triangulate the rough position of the killer.

I claimed it immediately and it was verifiable

literally anyone could go there

things I have from there that would be pretty hard to get elsewhere

Antidote [From hospital]
Ring [ From jewelry store in shopping mall, technically? obtainable elsewhere but it’s where I got it ]

hello marshal
AT didn’'t kill PKR but he might have killed CRich