Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

It being just italy is something to consider

I personally think it’s italy or kat

It is still possible that AT murdered CRich, although I do find it strange that he’d do that.

i was literally not in the castle

can someone explain how i could possibly have murdered either crich or pkr when i was nowhere to be seen with people in the castle the entire time

Do you think its possible AT was a traitor who somehow knew Crich was agent

…I don’t think so???

and how tf am I blatantly lying again?

where were you at the time of the murder again

hey can someone named kat please stfu with their defensive shit while we sort things out

unconscious, presumably at the temple

oh right
who knocked you out, in your view

someone named kat is very confused how they’re even a candidate

and also has basically nothing else to contribute since my info is secondhand and the only ability i have that’s even close to investigative doesn’t really help here

i saw nobody

so… no clue.

why do you think you were knocked out?

that argument could be made for literaly every other person who could have killed PKR

so obviously we are wrong somewhere
its not helping

im not even sure if it was specifically targeted on me or not so it’s hard to say if it was just “haha get fucked random person” or “haha fuck katze”


we could probably vote AT here, the evidence would suggest he murdered CRich (the only thing I don’t understand being where he got the kunai from)

if AT murdered CRich then i’d imagine the first murderer also has to be within the people seen at the castle

if PKR was a wildcard there’s a lower chance of everybody at the castle all lying to cover shit up so