Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

this is joke btw

But the thing is i secretly stole the vote from you first so he stole nothing


And Apprentice agrees with me that you shouldn’t keep the knife.

wtf apprentice

I find it hard to believe that there were exactly three kunai in the room, to be honest.

has everybodys inventory been accounted for?

i assume someone has checked mine by now

if i were to commit murder i have a much better weapon than a kunai

We trust you, as already stated. However I have a purpose for that knife next chapter, specifically in the bottom left area.

mine will be once i shove you in my bag

finally, a weapon with Taunt

and i already said i would travel with you, but no lets beat up dat and take his one thing

inb4 someone shanked a kunai outside lab and killed someone

You’re the one who:

  1. Stole it from me twice.
  2. Kept asking for it when I said I would already give it back to you.

Fuck we killed the kunai


i saw this on the wall outside of R10

what could it mean


tried stealing twice, actually three times now

cause its my only thing I found cause marshal is very non gamer and is banned from gamer room

/reveal the kunai I have on me

you mean these?

dude perfect, god of kunai trickshots, please assist us in this most unrighteous of hours

I am clean


could it be a passive?

Where were you Katze? I didn’t see your body in the temple and no one saw your body getting drug around, so where are you?

Is that so? The entire time?

it does make a distraction and cover story