Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

impossible, he isn’t in traitor chat w/ me

MM can die though in this version

AT being traitor is also consistent with him killing CRich and PKR, two people connected with the agent.


yeah thats a thing huh


nobody kill me?

#KunaiFacts: Did you know that if you cut a hole in a wall with a kunai, all evidence of that hole dissapears within ten minutes?

I mean

it feels like AT literaly just openly admitted to being the blackened

no AT is right

i actually have a teleporting ability i am a cyborg geisha

fanart time

my fingers are launchable kunais

i also have a kunai gun implanted in my eyes just in case

originally, the devs planned to make kunai the primary weapon of the 20th century expansion, but playtesting a few expansions ago forced them to nerf kunais and add guns

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yeah but all the testers got kunai guns
and the code was total spaghetti too, it fired pre-nerf kunais

glitch uncovered

it’s been revealed how this all happened
the kunais were all pre-nerf via glitch

originally kunais were meant to cause laceration damage, but the devs nerfed it to stabbing damage, but the glitch allowed the killer to access the unnerfed kunai

So for the Traitor AT idea it is more probable then you might think but yeah CRichard was killed just due to being a witness 100% of the time which sucks cause he was the agent

I’m probably going to vote for AT, but not yet.
See you guys tommorrow, I’m entering my alcove to begin my regeneration cycle.

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also by the way we should make sure we have everybodys (at least everyone has a reasonable chance of having committed a bad) inventory accounted for

ive checked italy and i think app checked me

has anyone checked marshal/atn/troci/whoever else was in pkr kill poe

oh yeah i forgot we could do that
feel free to check me y’all