Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Since you all got it wrong, here’s the truth of the case.

The conspiracy to murder PokemonKidRyan began as an accident in the supermarket. While everyone was discussing their leads, the would-be killer picked in an interesting tidbit, the existence of Ultimate Labs and how their lab would likely be accessible at the moment at Edo Castle.

However, while everyone thought that our culprit was the Ultimate Geisha, they had this as a built-in cover talent in order to hide their real identity, the identity of a master of death and assassination.

So the culprit then went straight to Edo Castle towards their lab. In the meanwhile, they were notified of their mission by the mastermind behind it all - the mission to eliminate PokemonKidRyan.

The culprit then entered the Ultimate Geisha Lab and immediately took their own file that was found in the cabinet in order to keep the charade. Further searching allowed them to enter a special area of the lab that was tailored to their dark arts, the Ultimate Kunoichi Lab.

Within the Ultimate Kunoichi Lab the culprit found multiple kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs, and a short sword. They decided to take every piece of equipment there in order to perform the perfect assassination, while also hiding away their own file in this room.

However, shortly after entering the Ultimate Kunoichi Lab, our culprit noticed that three people and then an additional fourth one entered their own lab, those are TrustworthyLiberal, ATNoName, and the two victims of this case, PokemonKidRyan and CRich. This sudden congregation and the smoke bombs gave our assassin the opportunistic plan to eliminate their own target while at the same time framing potentially multiple people with the chaos.

The culprit was repeatedly listening on to whenever CRich, TrustworthyLiberal, and ATNoName would leave their lab. Once all three left they began to put their plan in motion, they rolled the first smoke bomb into the main part of the room to create a smokescreen and then activated their own Ultimate Action which allowed them extreme agility and precision while also letting them meld with the smokescreen.

And thus that is when PokemonKidRyan’s fate was sealed. Our culprit leaped into the room, flinging two kunai with superhuman speed towards their victim, completely rupturing their upper torso and a second one to finish them off by deeply slitting their throat, in the blink of an eye PokemonKidRyan was dead from the sheer blood loss.

However our culprit was not done yet. They later shouted out two screams towards the upper level of the Edo Castle in order to bait an additional victim and then rolled in a second smoke bomb into the main room in order to keep the smokescreen up.

As a response to the scream, CRich and ATNoName came rushing down to the lab, bumping over the cabinet and the tea table, only be greeted by a curtain of smoke covering their vision and the assassin waiting for their next prey.

As soon as CRich was on the culprit’s sight, they flung a third kunai towards him which directly hit his vital organs, causing them to fall unconscious and succumb to their bleeding a few minutes later. The chaos and smokescreen resulted caused ATNoName to panic and flee upstairs, and ultimately framing them for the kill on CRich

Then before the smokescreen was gone our culprit retreated to their own special section of the room, sealed it off, and then stored away their extra unused kunai, shuriken, and short sword in the sealed room in order to not get caught during the class trial.

Yet our culprit was almost caught. Sealed in the section of their own lab, they could not exit it otherwise it would have revealed them as the murderer, so in short our culprit decided to wait until the class trial began before safely returning, while craftily creating a fake alibi to explain their disappearance in order not to implicate them in the murder of the Ultimate Orator and the Ultimate Historian.

…isn’t that right, Ichika Nakamura, the Ultimate Kunoichi?! (Katze)


You may speak while the next results are processed.


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Bye Kat.


Always believed in you Kat!!

also my wincon is fulfilled :joy_cat:

italy prepares to commit a war crime

oh no

if only it wasn’t obvious

if only people actually waited


oh so sad

I am not super shooketh by results

just saddened

Fucking said there was a hidden room

im gonna pretend i fooled you all

haha you all suck

Honestly I’m suprised how none of y’all found out it was Kat lol

aw fuck man
i’m actually pissed at myself now

Well good job Katze, the secret room was a fine play, u were in the poe of two so u did well i guess

dw it was worth the sacrifice since I get to see Italy’s reaction

hidden room not found when 3 people looked for it sucks a lot

and it was still very obviously katze

I did ATNN just like

also made no defense and everyone voted him
i decided to just fucking end it

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so italy just lied?

I fucking told you that CRich just assumed

that or crich did