Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Also random side note

The trees were behind it all

That is it

Also there was only going to be 3 mistrials and Amelia was the MM, so if the Chap 3 Blackened escaped then it’d be game over.



i didnt want to use it

and then i had to


I think mistrials would’ve won it. I planned to kill Marshal by commiting snap neck while sneaking away from group briefly. and then having Insanity lie about time of death for me

I had fun solving the murders even if one of them was more or less unsolveable.

it was… relatively obviously TL becuase literally they just gave poison to trochi, publicly.

I couldn’t really have crich alive now could I :joy_cat:

that trial was weird

the first time I saw literally anyone I was going to murder them so get fucked

You fool

Apprentice can make himself immortal

because 2 of us wanted Italy dead and it somehow worked :wowee:

yeah my ult is immortality for a chapter

we did also both have ungodly int

Honestly if I wasn’t mastermind

I would have just ended Italy’s life at the start of chapter 2

Granted my bluff stats

Were not good at life ending :wowee:

katze immediately loses stats

stat stealer is known in the game

It was so obvious lol

i knew it was you

i told amelia to make me kill you

my starting stats:

STR 48- CON 78 - AGI 32 - INT 32 - LUK 27

my final stats:

STR 122 - CON 136 - AGI 106 - INT 106 - LUK 69 (nice)

I mean you denied it when I accused you and I didn’t really care enough to fight you about it even though I was confident

fakeclaiming was literally impossible with r rooms

dafuq could I do