Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

as you should be!

Woah the joyshrimp meme has blown up.

he is Large

B i g shrimp.

image0 (1) copy





You guys want to know something that is gamer ™?

staying in cafe at start to hear my announcement

it’s an early advantage against MM

MM won’t really care abt whatever it is and neither will traitor but like

about, like, 1/3 of normal participants are going to have to win by killing MM at the final trial.

so I want to get this to a good start

I’m more or less forced by role to not take a killing route because I have nothing to help me do that

basically like VLDR2

luckily i’m still good at deduction when it comes down to it.

I assume some of you are in the same position

if you are a normal participant or a wildcard who potentially wants to stay alive / defeat the bad guys then I suggest staying for my announcement

word may spread quicky but killing is really easy without my info

I assume the intention of this info being restricted early was that people would leave and could get picked off early

frustrating to have this TMI on stuff and see people do things

i’d stay with me for just the first 5 minutes

The cemetary would give me a lore soft confirm

I don’t have that but I have to hope you heed my words and take a better safe than sorry approach

its outright annoying I cant elaborate


Marshal i feel for you i truely do.

do i trust marshal

do i not trust marshal

doesnt really matter not like imma get doinked in the cafe

also anyone who uses this pfp is pretty cringe

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I agree.

I gave you guys the basic info i promised to give but to marshal i may or maynot stay to hear you out but regardless i will not care for info that i already know.

hm i will stay marshal’s frustration feels genuine

Oh it is and i suggest you do stay and hear it out

i get some weird vibes but again

if its in the cafe it doesnt really matter probably?

if this quote ages poorly then :joy_cat:

love the new pfp its beautiful

Oh i didn’t say i couldn’t end poorly i expect it to actually.
Also yes nice pfp