Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

i’ll hit double digits in minutes

hey wait
where are all my likes for being a joke smh

your information was indeed too strong for me

well you aren’t the silhouette of a cat

what info do you have on me

is that joygay

it is the

preferrably in a whisper chat TL

Naw just marshal is being sold out for now.
I don’t plan to sell info with out fair reason to like grouping everyone up like he did.

I can say now i dought you have the info i would want to sell out what i know.
But do know it will most likely not be outed unless it would cause me harm or any dismay.

TL is selling info and i’m exceedingly stubborn about not outting info people have told me

basically what im saying is tell me things and i won’t leak them :flushed:

Sure :rofl:

i inherently trust the joygay

atua will tell me everything i need to know

i mean

i wanted you to tell me something, it was evident i wanted it, but when you asked for other peoples’ stuff in return i refused

basically what im saying is :joy_cat: :rainbow_flag: :green_circle:

Joy rainbow cat tree :thinking:

joy rainbow cat green circle

fwiw i dont really much care for peoples’ ability claims unless it’s actively beneficial to my survival for me to know them – i do want peoples’ talents for a reason which i’ll probably explain later though

There will probably be a room which has the talents of all the players in this game.
Remember the previous Danganronpa game?

No i do not remember the last game