Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Some people just don’t get enough love from their parents.

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little do y’all know I have all your Ultimates as I’m the Mas-

today we have defeated a great threat
and now finally we can return to our ancestral home of the game thread

to this end, i have a funny haha proposal

@Marshal i hereby challenge you to a game of hide and seek

Is this where I make some horny joke

no horny
only hide and seek

Then again insanity will do that for me

the loser dies.

I’ll help out.

no die
only hide and seek

you’re boring.

@Icibalus I ACCEPT, FOOL

I am the ultimate hider
the ultimate seekker

and I will ultimately DESTROY YOU in a GENTLEMANS BATTLE


Where to hide for the hider

then marshal actually just hides directly behind ici

that’s because you don’t understand. you petty humans. your thoughts are concerned only with death and sex. what kind of existence is that? there can be no freedom in your paper-thin world, only the inevitable subsumation of human willpower, one way or another, by madness or by the end of the will entirely. but i can show you another way. all you need do is understand that hide and seek contains multitudes- it is a game of inifnite complexity, because you can hide anywhere. that might surprise you, small-minded as you are, but true hide and seekers can hide anywhere- in plain sight, inside the ghost of a flower, or maybe inside of this sentence. who knows. we can hide anywhere, seek anywhere. it is the ultimate expression of dialectics. so take pause, heretic. next time you insult hide and seek, you may find that somebody is hiding in your blood veins. and it won’t take much for them to seek your demise.

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Okay but who is hiding and who is seeking

that’s for us to know and you to find out

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or. to put it in the terms of my favourite game, us to hide and you to seek


Oh you’re forcing me to seek

Okay but being found may come with a side effect of dead