Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

that is not what i meant and you know it

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No S T A H P

i wanted blood warpaint mole ffs

remember how geyde had an intelligence based rolecop?

Has anymore scared of dying?
Has anyone’s heart been broken so many time you can’t cry?
Has anyone hate yourself so much you cry for hours?
Has anyone cried in a dark room for a week?
Has anyone asked yourself y u are here but then relies your in it to live then die?

Oh just me :pensive::sob:

someone wanna dayvig marshal for being emo

and judging by what pkr said to kat
they can ask certain questions but they’d need their target to have low intelligence to listen

I’m honestly so sad but I’ve cried so much I can’t cry…

It’s like I’m numb

As if I flipped my humanity switch :sob::sob:

ok now flip it back that simple

Amelia mutters something about personal squids before sucker punching Katze in the back of the head

Fuck you’ve revealed me as the Ultimate Inkling

please dont use roller

Troch sudden assumes the fetal position and snores loudly while Katze puts on a mask and aggressively nuzzles at Amelia

i sloop cat half won out

while you’re all being dumb i will be covid free

i might tryed to make everyone feel loved…
i might tryed maked peoples strong inside…
i might tryed maked everyone smile…
i might tryed maked everyone happy…
but what about me…

i hope that someone will make me happy…!

try sleep it might make you happy

sleep is temporary
but Doom is Eternal

And also us physically assaulting each other

wounds are temporary
but psychological warfare is eternal