Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

PKR out here with his chad Ultimate Hypnotism or something and i’m like dude wtf gimme

pkr gamer in DR1 and DR2

PKR has grown too powerful

As the Ultimate Day Vigilante, I hereby shoot PokemonKidRyan

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If this actually happens you know just what will happen

how do you achieve color text

Use the color BB code

paypal Dat $5 to unlock it


As the Ultimate Day Doctor, I heal PokemonKidRyan!

the what
but how do i format that aaaaa

As the Ultimate Day Rolestopper I rolestop any actions targetting PKR

[color=insertcolorhere] insert text here [/color ]

As the Ultimate Day Occupier, I occupy Katze!

but no space before last bracket

As the Ultimate Day Asceticizer, I make katze ascetic

as the ultimate nekomancer, i summon many cats to bite you!

this is gamer

A dark soul has manifested into someone

i hate you all

why do i actually believe this one to have done something

Trochilidae has revealed themselves as an Innocent Child!