Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

Imagine believing that I’d put an 100% accurate redcheck in the game.

Was his ability in some way altered or did crich legit misremember

It’s pretty obvious that Marshal and PKR are both lying, though.

No idea to what end, but they’re lying.

I don’t think crich knew what happened

From what I saw from the camera he just collapsed

Which is why I should have said “I don’t know”.

Hey I just arrived everyone. What’s happened

Katze was inside the smokescreen while he entered and the only thing CRich saw before he got struck by a kunai was AT entering, so he just assumed.

Also I’m coming out as a wildcard. I am the Ultimate Jester. Just an FYI

I’m 100% serious about my role being the ultimate class roster

I am, in fact, a piece of paper with a revive ability.



Yeah that should have a been a warning sign it wasn’t as easy as saying AT did it.

My win condition is to see someone die. And then get executed for that murder. I cannot become the blackened. This is not a joke. This is not a meme. I am the ultimate jester and this is my win condition

I believe that they are both fully lieing.

Pkrs talent might be true but the ability false.

ultimate jester

This is a believable prologue claim :tm:

man i hope this cat isn’t taken

I call BS on this. Someone with this wincon wouldn’t claim this openly.

That’s pretty obvious Alice.
Also creating a Accomplice role seems extremely strong as that’s what it would turn into.

Either way.

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