Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

I have her ignored because it’s honestly just uninteresting to see her various uncreative insults and she obv won’t give up

It’s funny how everything she said about me turns around now on her

except she doesn’t also have the truth on her side

Stop? Stop? How the fuck do you want me to “stop”?

You’re going to fuck up my entire game here that I was looking forward to playing just because of an “alliance” with Marshal. I’m not going to stop. Why don’t you “stop” and tell the fucking truth for once?

Actually, this never happened.
But, go off queen.

I was actively participating in that community until it was dying out.

to be fair alice
if pkr is lying i will personally tie them to the roof with no way down every single chapter

Because I’m not the blackened and you are literally faking evidence to protect Marshall but will end up ending my game in the process? I am not going to stop and I do not believe that your mental health is so fragile and that this is just a ploy to get me mis-exed.

Okay, stop fucking flagging this shit.

I remember someone at the end of that mash mentioning it, so it’s a he-said-she-said thing.

After how you have behaved, I will be frankly surprised and maybe even disgusted if you are not blacklisted.

I am so close to replacing out.

I thought you was a decent person

alice always does this when she gets pushed

And? You’re not going to be impacted by his lies. I will.

That’s why I’m absolutely livid at him. I wouldn’t mind dying after getting a murder off. I’m pissed as high hell that I’m getting mis-exed because someone wants to protect their friends over playing to their wincon.

this is a PG-13 forum

(in case it wasn’t clear, discussing other players’ sex lives is probably not PG-13)

also don’t talk about replacements

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if he is lying he is gamethrowing or is conf mastermind thus I will trust him

if pkr lies they will lose the one thing they actually care about
actually being able to play the game

Dude, stop putting my tone into question.

I fucking am absolutely livid that you made shit up halfway into the trial to protect your friend and to get me mis-exed. I have a full right to be apoplectic at you.

a permanent spot in an easy to kill location isn’t what you’d consider very nice


Also I know it’s been said multiple times now, but this is final warning for toxicity. Anyone does something again I reserve the right to do whatever I want (probably modkill but depends)


u all have mom gay ngl

if he is gamethrowing its against rules and will be blacklisted for that most likely so I am not going to rely on thay possibility

monokuma reveals a fucking glock what