Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

No need since the slot is gone come this chapter is my assumption tbh

Don’t make me carry out my threat to rake Alice voters over the coals.
Extremely angry noises.

“As peace could not be persuaded, it was then forced. Which, in a way, is not peace at all.”

Everyone quiet now.


Here is the total vote weight for each blackened.


533.5 vote weight!


751 vote weight!

Thus, Alice has been selected as the Blackened!


So you all selected Alice as the Blackened, and you all are…




Here’s the truth of the case.

The conspiracy to murder Zone began as soon as our group woke up in the castle as our killer was cold-blooded, cunning, and hungry for death. Upon arrival they quickly headed to the guardhouse. This is where they would find their first two instruments to commit a murder, the blanket and the rope.

A few days later, in the middle of the chaos resulting from Amelia being knock unconscious at the bathroom, our culprit knew that they have left their rope exposed for others to see, thus they needed a way to distance themselves from the rope, which is when they acted indignant in a lie that their rope has been stolen.

Afterwards when we all hurried down to the stables as it was set on fire by Light for… who knows what reason, our culprit took advantage of the chaos and used it as an excuse to head to the Bath to acquire their final instrument for the murder plot, the dumbbell, and take it to their room.

When all was done and the fire was put out, soon the night fell and everyone when back to their own dormitories, this was when our culprit found the perfect opportunity to strike under the veil of the night, thus the plan began rolling into motion.

In their own dorm, the culprit began by slicing a small slit into the blanket that they obtained from the guardhouse with their ritual knife, making a hooded shawl that would further make them unidentifiable throughout the night.

Thus is when the hunter began stalking for prey. After a brief while the culprit exited their room and spotted our victim, Zone, heading to the baths. Since he was alone it was the perfect opportunity for them to fulfill their murder plan.

The culprit then stalked Zone, slowly creeping room by room to make sure nobody saw them, until they cornered their victim in the girl’s restroom and struck them using a dumbbell, knocking the already dazed victim unconscious.

Upon losing consciousness, Zone was then dragged into the Library by our culprit, who had the ability to open locked doors. This was when he breathed his last breath as our culprit strangle him with their rope.

However our culprit was not done yet. They took off their blanket, wrapped the victim’s body in it, and then hang them by the security camera, turning the crime scene into a gruesome sadistic display.

After finishing their task, our culprit then exited the library and put the dumbbell back from where they previously found it, as it not being out of place would not stick out as much to the rest of the group.

Finally once Whysper found the body, this was when our culprit took the final step to guarantee their perfect murder. They hurriedly and quickly came to clean up the crime scene, removing all fingerprints from it with their ultimate talent, and then finally dotted their final i’s and crossed their final t’s by carefully cleaning their knife to avoid and traces of fabric from outing them as the true holder of the blanket.

…isn’t that right, Saeko Ishikura, the Ultimate Janitor?! (Alice)


You all can talk in here now

Chapter 3 will start tomorrow sometime and Floor 2 will be opened then

Oh welp you guys were right.

Marshal, bro, let’s fucking go.

I told y’all about the blanket cutting in Alice’s dorm >.>

holy fuck

Babs mgmgl glad i gave more thought b4 voting

Also slight maths error Marshal got 538.5 vote weight

shush i’m drunk


Can we never talk about this trial and just move forward please and thank you


that sure was something


We did it


I thought so hard. I told pkr I voted but I waited the night.

Too much didn’t make sense. I didn’t feel comfortable voting marshal.


Marshal’s legs why didn’t I think about that harder?

Glad we got over this shitshow of a trial

This is a victory but at quite the cost.
This trial feels like it has taken years off my life.

But hey, we all survived and I can enjoy the fruits of my labour in this execution. Hope it will comfort the result a bit.