Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

Hey guys

wanna know something funny

Naw I don’t like an easy game.

Everyone should take a room and hide in it and the killer would just pick a room and kill.

Also when the body discovery announcement plays out, take note of who is with you as you can clear each other with alibis.

Guys i have something thats not a joke and actually game-relevant

Like I was forced to kill last time with a PoE of three on the MM.

This time I shall solve this killing game.

im just trying to do the best i can, especially since this is the first time ive ever done anything like any sort of game, like at all so i dont have much of an idea what im doing sadly

i want to be helpful and im just trying to ask questions and im trying to be involved and helpful as much as i can. i dont want to be a burden and excuse it because this is my first game or anything.

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better start doesnt mean easy game

I’d say it’s probably the WCs. I intentionally made them chaotic to add more danger to the game as everyone in the first game was just playing Scooby-Doo without bothering to do murder people.

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GGhana is carrying a harmful, gas-related item currently.

This is a hard claim.

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you can check during prolouge?

It’s fine keep talking no one is against you at the moment.

I may have suspicions but the best way is to keep talking to make people trust you

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So Marshal claims to be able to inspect someone’s inventory slots right?
Unless I’m reading this incorrectly.

I searched public slot

it’s not there

so it is a private slot thing

but gghana does have that

I’m not claiming the exact ability.

But I am hard claiming that the information I have given is 100% true.

People did last game

alright!! ill keep that in mind for sure

lmao @ thinking nitrous oxide is harmful

why does a jester have this

A confirm from the person is nice to see atleast.