Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

min leaves

min back

I am out of breath here shit

im awake

anyways ,bye

o7 legs back


Eli leaves

gonna go try out the new legs and then head back here

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Marshal leaves

Hey yall, does anyone want a drink?
I think we need to allocate things.

Also I kinda do not want to be killed so think of it as a friendliness drink

CRich returns

We can meet at the coffee bar and have a drink.

Hello everyone. I can confirm Marshal’s talent claim and Italy is definitely not MM.



Also talking about shit cuz ik some people couldve found stuff

I found nothing of note.
Bunch of empty flasks so we can sneak booze around the school

Flushed emoji


Did anyone find anything else?

I wouldn’t have minded exploring more of floor 2, yet fatigue was setting in. :frowning:

You all hear an anouncement from an unknown source:

Alright gamers

At 6:30 pm (est) please report to the coffee bar. I don’t mind if you’re late I just want as many people as possible to be there so we can actually ensure safety.

We all need to properly talk and figure out the mm without worrying about dying and that’s the perfect time. We can have coffee and box the mm in as a little treat if possible.

Please come.

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