Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

Light>Eli>Italy for the PoE
Including marshal

I think we would vote you for not helping in the trial and being able to turn invisable xD

I did try to help.
I did check out the dorms of our dead and their bodies… directly.
Touching their corpses was not too bad.


They were mangled messes

Imma have nightmares about this in my heroin induced comas

Just take enough poison to knock your self unconscious for 24 hours how I have slept this game

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Yeah, but they had fun items on them.
Or at least Marsh did.

Can confirm that taking a sedative knocked me out

The way you ask these questions has me tinfoiling that you need to get us to admit that you tricked us somehow. Almost like you have the con artist wincon. Or are helping Min with it. Hmmm…


Could go either way honestly

I’m going to be pissed if this turns out to be the case.

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Oh my… imagine there being a con artist but someone else having a wincon of a con artist.
That would be crazy.

Well, the way you get special abilities, maybe you somehow copy a wincon…

I did admit this was all a lie lol.

I wonder how obvious was it I was Isabel Savage before I died D3 in SFoL 64.

withdrawal is gonna hit you like a fucking truck

I am neither the Ultimate Human Test Subject.
Nor a Wildcard.

But what I have done this chapter will be revealed.
And there should not be anger but understanding hopefully.

I’m legitimately surprised it hasn’t yet

PKR if by some unlikely chance you are the blackened, will you reveal the mech info min claimed to have on who the MM is?

when amelia tries to mug you because she can’t find any more heroin don’t say i didn’t warn you

I shall do so.