Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

can u even gamethrow here

I mean claiming that role, if actually that role, is really dumb

I claim the Ultimate Hentai Doujin Artist.

Btw, Marshal claimed 2 times to me in DMs.
Marshal is not the Ultimate Ninja.

reeeee WIFOM

also you can just submit /stab self multiple times to die

so yes

you can gamethrow

I’m thinking it’s possible.
If you’re playing against your win condition on purpose, then that is gamethrowing no?

Pen Fetish :flushed:

Technically you can win in death if you succeed at being the blackened.

I cc

technically u can kill with pen

Kat could have killed with a pool noodle in DR2

It’s probably throwing to do it in public though. Unless you’re actually doing some sort of Gigabrain play and you’re dying of poison someone else gave to you

…no? You can’t unless you are a wildcard right?

I don’t actually know if suicide can make you win?

I have no idea I thought you could?

I cannot tell whether suicide could fall under the first one or not.
If not then I might have messed up

no because u dont survive the class trial

Well it does say survive the trial


They wouldn’t really be surviving the class trial, would they.