Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

embrace failure

return to monke

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Just kill someone in another way

Imagine trusting anyone with a spear in a killing game. LUL


I trusted Dat with the spear and it didn’t hurt me in the end actually saved me so 100% would again.

well uh
guess i don’t need this ritual dagger anymore
i picked it up as evidence just incase it was Zone murdering GGhana in the Private Quarters
and put it in my private slot so it doesn’t get used against me

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Can I have it? I found a place that seems to may have something to do with it.

is the blackout thingy still in effect

also dat killed gghana can i please hav. my stats bacc owo

The motive is ended with the end of the chapter. A new motive may be provided in CH2

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suck it knockoff build-a-bear

i can have friends again

you’ll still bolt the moment i enter the room though

we can corner him

i’ll drop it as soon as apprentice lets me

ayaya it worked

can we do actions in here in that case? i assumed game was pausey paused

because then they’ll know my max ap >:(

imagine knowing your max ap lolololololol

my con was lowered by 10 by GGhana and my ap was never recalculated

im pretending its 999999999

The game has resumed. Reminder that everyone is currently in the Dining Hall. Some areas have been changed slightly so revisitin old areas could be beneficial

Monkuma also wants to chime in “I recommend you all check the Main Hall. You seem to keep walking through it without investiagting and it has something I would like you all to see.”