I kind of wanna know who broke the mirror. There was something like malice there and if the breaker unsealed it then they kind of are a problem for us.
My character is not gonna overpower yours unless breaking a mirror gives some insane stat boost
if you’re wondering where i got a powerful sedative from
i won the arcade machines
In the Billiards Room?
I saw something off in that room.
Nothing to be worried about though
Actually, I should revisit there… as if everywhere got restocked then maybe that did too
i also saw something off
only two of the machines did something
they both opened a compartment
only one contained an actual item
Yeah, that is what I am on about.
Min returns
Also see ya Min! Glad to see you are alive, my helper ^-^
Hey pkr, i am alive surprisingly
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PKR leaves
im dead
why is it when i try to whisper people they leave after i send the message
Well, I’m off.
Alice leaves
PKR returns
so who wants to laugh at marshal