Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

Amelia is the blackened

he killed me


Its lucky that you told me your role Marshal.
Otherwise you would not have been back together again.
You can thank me later.

You buxon fool

My character is a girl

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marshal not respecting women i see

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When women kill me they dont deserve respect


Im gonna go play some tol boys, ill catch yall in a small bit.

Marshal note haha funny.
That’s all I will comment on that I am leaving.

TL is the Ultimate Mastermind and is panicking about being found out gg

Game too ez

Nvm OP says only dining room and here oh well.

Dining Room and your private quarters


Guess less to do after all.
Whatever I suppose message me questions otherwise I will go back to my note taking.

That person is 100% not the mastermind xD

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I was hoping that there would be a 17th person on the class roster and that my role had a split personality or something.

There are actually 2 more, hidden in invisible ink

Ultimate Cool Host
Ultimate Uncool Host

i dont know what it means but I think it means one person is a really cool host and the other sucks and is lame


Emilia returns to the Dining Room.

says the Cool Host
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hey I am back

Hello everyone.
Now we don’t want to repeat the mistakes of DR2, in case we have a retributionist. Perhaps it’s a bad idea to vote them out.