Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

Stop strongarming it. Stop. You are stuck in your perspective and you are stopping others from trying to shift it.
THINK man. TRY. Try and shift your perspective, realzie the intracaceis of the game and how it all fits together.

I can help walk you through it if you want but you have to try

I know… I get that.
I get everything that is being said by both of you >.>
I need to go. Emotions are welling and it does not feel great.

Heck it, I am diving into my whispers with Min so I can be distracted

What other perspective? Dump all form of evidence away and treat hearsay as facts? That is the world that you are advocating.

A world who runs on belief and baseless trust over logic.

Yes you’ve been walking everyone through your version of events Marshal.
I’ve noticed that.

Again. Marshal is pounding hard on the emotion as he realizes that he cannot rely on logic to win the trial.


Frankly I hate to do this, but if there’s an actual chance a green checked player gets mis-exed over the proven liar in the thunderdome, then I will use whatever means necessary to strongarm this trial.

No. That’s not it. I’ve been playing this wrong because I can’t win on a puzzle plane. There’s so much me in the rest, there’s mechanical points and tidbits and alice’s processed and canned words just there.

It’s not my version. It’s my way of thinking. I’ve been blessed with it because I know the truth and I’m trying to see where you are coming from.

Crichard, this isn’t a danganronpa game. There’s so much more. The mechanics is simply a tool for the people. Please try to understand what i’m saying. Vote me if you cannot, or vote me if you do and still believe alice.

but i’m not accepting it without you at least trying

And you will win

And i’ll be dedicated to making people understand what i’m talking about

even if I don’t win this trial I’m still going to try

It’s not my rhetoric, Marshal. It’s the evidence.

The world you proposed is a fallacy as the crux of it has me having the blanket, a confirmed impossibility as per Eli’s account. Is Eli lying, then? Why would he lie in this place?

Informed spec chat’s aren’t informed

They don’t know what people are feeling and thinking and doing.

They have a mechanical advantage and play a mechanical game and talk about it with each other in a way that’s on a linear way of thinking and it leads them to collectively be condescending because they have an advantage over others and nobody can leap over them.

And what is the basis for your case on me? Blind faith?

Did Eli ever claim his talent or his other abilities?

No, I don’t think it’s necessary unless it can affect trial outcomes.

The guardhouse blankets
my physical state
your canned responses
my connection with zone
The way you keep trying to shut down the pursuit of knowledge
The rope stealing thing

All of these are things, with varying weights, that I think far outweigh what is just the fingerprints.

And I’m trying to help people understand this. I know it’s wrong, I’m trying to have them get past these things because I know they need to, I know they have a roadblock that you are putting squarely there, and i think there’s so much on the other side that people can genuinely sit down and deduce, but aren’t allowing themselves to, because “fingerprints”

And the thunderdome and my approach here and how I handled the information and your own set in stone mindset

I just

I need to empathize and i’m trying hard
I’ll post what i said privately on how I suggest you try to analyze things. It’s not bad faith. I think that the way of analysis favors me but I think it truly favors the truth and I think it’s on my side.

I want to request that anyone who feels done just votes now.
We have both cases known and it keeps repeating somewhat.

I no longer want anyone to feel suffering atm.
The truth will set us free… and the result of the trial should work out either way

How? There was already one missing when I entered there. Plus if I took it then there was literally no way that I wouldn’t be able to get prints there since that was the first room that I explored.

Disproven. It was night and Zone was dazed while your arms were fine. You could, and you kill Zone.

And? This means nothing. Of course I’m in my powerwolfing meta as I don’t need to solve as you’re outed.

There is nothing that physically stops you from stabbing him in the back.

I have not. I’ve been welcoming new evidence here, and as it shows it all further points to you as the blackened.

My rope was stolen by you, your point?

Because a spotless would never lie in order to further a misexe. Eli has proven that you are a liar.

You’re caught because you played recklessly and now you’re trying to use AtE in order to slip away, which I never am letting you.

Not to meme rn but the thread vibes are this

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Just take this. If anything, this

I’m going to try to help you through it

I’d just look at each peice of evidence. Compile it all and put it all in front of you and think how it makes you feel and why.

Put it in to two categories

And just go with what makes the most sense, what you believe is true.

If you are wrong, that’s honestly probably better for your personal journey because you can look at those feelings and reasons and examine why they were wrong.

It’s my honest advice. It’s all I can give. Good luck to you.

use it. Please, please use it. For all my effort, I ask for maybe 10 minutes of yours to look at it this way. There’s a ton of information, there’s hours of time from a decent number of people all with their own secret mental motivations for each action.

And there’s some that’s unknown, or like the most complicated math problems, something nobody will be able to get to by virtue of the truth being hidden only socially and in a subtle way that just can’t be found.

This is a game of thinking, this is a game of using those thoughts and translating it into finding the truth. Please try to do that. If you try to, no matter the outcome, I’ll be personally proud of you as a thinker and as a deducer for furthering your personal journey by trying to shift perspectives.