Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

It could be 4v3 or 3v3 atm.
But vote weights count.

I assume Light will still vote Alice.
Bringing it to a 4v4 or 4v3 (Favouring Alice as Blackened)

My int is better than my con by a fair margin so

Alice Amelia Crich Eli

thats 4

Me + PKR is 2

I know at least 1 other person voted alice

I don’t think it’s too late.

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especially if Eli or Crich didn’t lock

Depends on if we have unaccounted voters

It would be funny enough to read informed spec chat if I died that I wouldn’t be

too sad

I probably would be fairly quickly but that’s besides the point

Granted I’m still… unsettled by the events that happened so

I’m coming for your booty

This case has involved all the female characters almost lol. Unless Whys has done something too, in which it would be all female character alive for sure.

Meanwhile only male characters died or escaped in chapter 1

still sad that dat would leave me like that

Zone was killed.
Alice the killer.
Marsh the suspect
Myself the main evidence finder to secure Alice the blackened
Amelia the knife checker
Eli the fingerprint checker

Light the unfortunate person caught up between things.

Whys (???)

Whysper found the body

Every female character come together.

Females unite

None can withstand our power


why would u even lock your vote

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As now everyone knows the truth.
So vote and lock on Alice.

Because I didn’t want to deal with this fucking trial anymore

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I’m not locking until she shows up.

Alright I guess.

@Alice come hither, blackened.

Also I had a sorta reasonable plan formed in my head on how Marshal did it despite what Italy said