Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

I have a gun. Since I can’t become the blackened I assume I can pump endless rounds into your frail decrepit ruined bloody body

anyway, min is back and ready to uhh

talk idk lol

Don’t fuck with the jester


i hope i can become the blackened purely to murder GGhana

anyway marshal is a piece of paper so shooting him wont make him bleed actually

Honestly a spork might be the best utensil for removing eyes


the fact that it’s spoon-like would make it easy to scoop the eye out, and the prongs would make it easier to pull the eye itself loose from the optic nerve

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What’s marshal claimed


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ultimate class roster

I AM the class roster

Imagine claiming an ultimate ToS role. LUL

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Actually I think an Ice Pick also works great if not better.

i am
the senate

why are we removing eyes again?

guys im the ultimate senate
i decide y’alls fates

but that’s stabby, which has the issue of blood. Plus if you don’t get it all, some of the eye could remain and potentially heal. Spork would be cleaner.

so GGhana can’t win

What do you do tho

also ghana, why should we believe your claim, especially this early?

Im just a sheet of paper with all ultimate talents on it, pretending to be human

I have a 1-shot revive that was already used