Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

Also the katanan had the word pluck written on it. But the P wasnt engraved like the rest of the letters

So it doesn’t seem there are restrictions from what the wild card win condition could be.
There could be restrictions on how to win as blackened for example.
Or survive up to a designated chapter.
Just a few ideas off the top of my head.

i really am the ultimate dumbass because its kinda a given that some people will have starting items lul

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Like how I had to kill with poison last time

And escape as the Blackened of course.

I hope you don’t. I hope you vote me out later.

Hello there, how lovely for you to join us
I enjoy being doubted.

But like, if yall see me using any abilities then cool.

you know people probably wont want to vote you out if you openly claim a wildcard and your exact wincon, right?

As I literally have none so shrug

And then it turns out he’s a normal participant who murders someone

This just makes it annoying to tell

Naw look at trial 2 last game the killer claimed their wildcard win card and wasn’t voted.

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But what if this is all a great bluff? What if I actually have enough poison gas to kill a moose? You can’t trust me. So therefore vote me out.

But I don’t I only have nitrous oxides sadly

Why do I have a feeling we have something special in our rooms… and all I have is likely a notepad to track claims and lies >.>

hey ghana, if your claim is right, pkr should get stats then, right?

u n l e s s

Why what’s he claimed


Unless PKR himself is lying

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he claimed the ultimate test subject. he starts off very weak, but the more people claim to him TRUTHFULLY, the more abilities/stats he gains.