Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

Dought anyone was able to get to the thrid floor with the entrence to it blocked.

Only a ninja could do that… with the correct apparatus.
Which I doubt anyone has.

Or someone blocked it off so that no one could.

That is possible I guess.

But we assume they went off the second floor and hit the ground no massive comotion meaning there wasn’t much of a fight which is unexpected with what marshal was unless they where either taken my suprise OR had a hand in the crime.

This is another bit why I think Marsh could be behind this… ugh

I could see it but i think he doesn’t kill himself seems werid to me after last chapter unless someone that talked to him noticed a difference. He is the only person who actually went looking for me this chapter when you all were worried i was dead. (BTW someone knocked me out before i returned to the kitchen) for 24hours.

Did I read that right that you were knocked out TL?
i wonder if the culprit knocked you out because they needed to get items from the kitchen and didn’t want you to see.

Clarfication i was knocked out upstairs in the Garden where i was spending all my time this chapter if anyone cared to look it is now all cleaned up and looks really nice compared to the over grown state when i started.

I was going to but I basically told Marsh “I have no actions left and I have been watching over your dorm so you do not get murdered. Scan the campus for bodies for me.” which is what we did before going to the Dining Room.

Yeah i saw him enter and leave without talking to me.
Which does mean he was the only person to know where i was.

Oh wait i should see if anything was taken from me i had… a few things.

Alternative idea: I work Friday-Monday every week, have lost almost 100% of my WiM for this game, and really CBA to contribute and have no way to prove anything I’ve done as I’ve done almost nothing, and would rather you just take me out of the pool so we don’t have worry about this shit.


So… I hope everyone is well.
What are we doing here?

I don’t know actually

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i still think it’s impossible that marshal is responsible

  1. marshal plays to win, because he is a big looser, and wouldn’t commit suicide unless it was his specific wincon (and not only would that be a recycled wincon, we already apparently have 3 wildcards)
  2. if marshal jumped, why did he land on his back

if we can’t find blackened i think we should vote gghana

Is this because you sus them as the MM?