Just buy Danganronpa games from Steam. :4Head:
Marshal returns to the Dining Room.
You see PKR rummage under the table in the center of the room for a second
GGhana has decidedly not let me in
Gotta wait for free time events. LUL
im a very not wild person
im playing this game to have fun when I can
but i play to win
so if you come to me expecting me to give you, wildcard-chan, a pass because I’m marshal, you will be sorely mistaken.
Im not very fun
do you expect any answer besides no
Sorry, my Nagito instincts kicked in
Yeah I don’t understand them getting what seemed like upset we were against just letting them win.
Reminds me of Gortu in VLDR 2
Tbh I mostly just wanted to see how much room is under the table for reasons™
Oh yeah
he just… claimed serial killer that could win with nobody
I still think it’s hilarious
While yes it’s pretty funny.
It’s not like everyone was gonna lay down and just let them win.
Okay, so I know not to trust you. Was the note funny?
Although you are canonically the bear and can technically say whatever you want
heck off, host nerd
feel like the thread needs one of these <
A note? I never said anything about a note.