/stab min and Crichard with secret knife (should be 2 ap hits, so I should have 3 AP leftO
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whoops wrong PM again silly me
thank you for sparing me
I imagine it’s like when I was at school the teacher shuts the lights off and everyone would lose their shit despite the fact theyre literally teenagers bevause my school was hella immature
Also I can’t add like half of you to where you need to be so actions are on pause till co-host arrives
i will ping cool host on discord
they’re taking like a 3 hour nap lul
Lol, how many people here tried to leave?
probably a lot tbh
Please tell me I wasn’t stabbed for real.
In this room we have Min, me, CRich, Eli.
Marsh was here.
So 5 to 4.
i better get out of here! scoobs!
internet turning off
Alright I’m gonna jump on the camera account to move people for the time being actions will probably be processed pretty slowly
OK now hopping on cameras to process all of the movements I was sent
TL passes through for a second and heads into the Kitchen
Light leaves the Kitchen and passes through briefly
PKR left the dining hall during this transition
Light enters the Dining Room then head to the Kitchen
I’m going to start charging more AP if you want to route your path through the entire castle to check every room.
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