Danganronpa 3 - Despair on the Ramparts - Game Over

Geez how amateurish.

Where you there ever since you left the Kitchen?
–also, timestamps please.

Alright, I think I can extinguish them all with water if I go back and forth enough times.
I am going to extinguish the Library first since Nighttime is coming, and a burning Library seems like a bad, bad scene.

Right, so… How come this was never told?

@TrustworthyLiberal @PokemonKidRyan
Please don’t make me regret my choice of going to the Library first.
–also, why the heck is Amelia burning down the Library and then admitting it was an attempt to murder people?

I went to the kitchen 2020-10-21T03:00:00Z.
Billiard Hall 2020-10-21T02:00:00Z
Stables 2020-10-21T02:10:00Z
Graveyard 2020-10-21T02:12:00Z
Ceremonial Chapel 2020-10-21T02:15:00Z
Private Quarters 2020-10-21T02:15:00Z

Besides Emilia found out who has been starting the fires no?

I have left the Dining Room at 2020-10-21T20:49:00Z

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big yikes from me rn

What do you mean big yikes?

i mean everything thats happening is just. idk how to explain yikes, i just dont like it

im getting more scared of dying everytime an event happens lol tbh

This is the second chapter in a row where things go down while I’m chilling in my private quarters.


i hate how awkward i am, i have basically nobody to talk to and its weird seeing everyone else kinda know what theyre doing while i have like. zero clue

Amelia enters the Dining Room.

hey amelia


This is awkward :tm:

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a little bit

want me to just pretend nothing happened today?

as long as no one dies I guess

Did those bathroom voices tell you to do something Amelia?


genuinely hope nobody died, but if they do i guess we kinda know who did it?


I’m just bloodthirsty :^)

There is no body discovery announcement for now.
So that’s a good sign I guess.

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