Danganronpa Forum Mafia - Dead Chat

I wasn’t relying on new players but on those who knew my meta to confirm me

Cause Italy was confirmed town via Marshal while my results are hints at best?

I’m going to bet that everyday a town will gladiate another town for the argument thingie.


Also the thing I was talking about earlier


Italy was dead mid day 1. You also proposed Nuclear/Pilica and just didn’t mention the transition from me.

Nuclear got in ONLY becouse Italy died.

I mean, I swapped confirmed town for someone I only had hints they are town.

Transition here is kinda very obvious.

Seriously though, people need to stop believing clears are a godsend. Honestly.

You also voted Nuclear for it I believe and I could have fulfilled Historian too. It was just weird to me how you dropped it as soon as I voiced doubts about you.

Squid could use historian abilitywise, as far as I knew, you could not.

Plus wait, I never supported Pillica.

I swapepd Italy for Nuclear when Italy died.

I mean my whole day Stu Co candidates were:

Solic, Me, Marshal, Italy, Squid, Nuclear.

6 towns I think?

Also please tell me this was obvious enough for a masonizer soft day 1, so I’ll feel a little less bad about basically suiciding day 1 and giving a mafia 40 monocoins.

I saw it and noted to reared who did you masonize if I survive.

I didn’t survive.

Maybe if I did, I could acuse Pilica of lying?


Meh, no way I could do it today tho.

I was so happy to have died and I thought it would instantly be found and Pilica would have been offed by Marshal… but it didn’t quite pan out like that. :smile:

I pinged Alice like 7 times at different time intervals for not giving me my neighbourhood yet, so I called Pilica town a few times during day 2 as well.

Oh I also thought you had rolecopped me as mafia, because you started out with saying we were masons or something like that. I literally couldn’t claim as such anyways, because it would penalize me, but that level of TMI on my role made me think you had my full card and tried to use it to your advantage.

I saw you being investigated n0 tho.